Our Assistive Technology


Entrepreneurial Support

Your All-in-One Solution for Online Business Success

At Phoenix Entrepreneurial Support, we're revolutionising the way individuals within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) approach entrepreneurship. Our cutting-edge assistive technology & software and full-service marketing solutions empower NDIS participants to bring their business ideas to life, automate their operations, and reach new heights of success.

How Our Assistive Technology Is Tailored To Suit You!

Don’t like to or can’t answer questions or talk on the phone?

Don’t worry we can build an A.I. live chat bot that will know all about your business, chat to customers like a human and even book them into your services. This can be set up to answer texts, live chat on your website, it can even answer comments on your FB or insta posts and messenger. Coming soon A.I. ‘Live Voice’ we can program it to make calls, answer calls on your behalf.

If you feel overwhelmed by a million emails

Our system can notify you when an important email needs to be viewed.

No need to learn a bunch of different software

Our assistive tech hosts everything you need to run your business all in one place and it all talks to each other. Meaning you do not have to learn a bunch of different systems and string them together to operate your business.

Need help keeping track of where customers are In your business

Don’t worry we create a visual pipeline of every step of the customer journey you just need to look at it to see where everyone is and what stage they are up to. We fully automate this so you don't need to worry, just take a look when you want.

Custom workflows to automate all processes,

We automate EVERYTHING for you, sending out reminder emails and texts, sending out invoices and contracts, sending out free gifts when people fill out forms. Sending out birthday offers on customers birthdays, sending out pre recorded voice messages to welcome new customers. Anything can be automated for ease in our system.

AI for content creations

If writing emails, content for socials etc is not your passion, don’t worry just give our A.I. assistant an idea of what you want to say and it will create the perfect copy. Also give it an idea of the image to go with it and it will even generate the perfect scroll stopping image to promote your business.

AI for running ads

When it comes time to market your business, we have also got you covered! We have a full A.I. ads creator where it writes the perfect copy, finds the perfect image, runs and tests the ads and finds the winning ad for your business. All you have to do is give it an idea of what you want to promote.

Don’t want to feel like you are on your own

Don’t worry EVERYONE gets access to the CEO, your coach, the head of our assistive tech dept, in their own private chat where you can ask questions at anytime and someone will be there to help you. We get to know you and your business and make sure everything is working the way you want it to. Just like having your own team for your business.

Want to create an online course or membership area but don't want to be on video.

We have A.I. technology that can take your information and create a custom training video with speaking avatar create tutorials to build your course or membership.

Powerful Software Platform:

Our proprietary software platform is designed to allow us to build, create, and automate any business you can dream up. With intuitive tools and user-friendly interfaces, we can bring your ideas to life with ease. You can also log into your account at anytime and we will provide easy instructions and even advanced video training if you wish to continue on and create more for yourself.

Full Marketing Service:

In addition to our software platform, we offer a full suite of marketing services to help you promote your business and attract customers. From social media management to email marketing campaigns, we'll help you create a comprehensive marketing strategy that drives results.

Members Portal with Online Courses:

Inside our members portal, you'll find a wealth of additional resources to support your entrepreneurial journey. From online courses in extra business learnings to tutorials and guides, we provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.


Inside your online portal where you can access any additional courses we provide for you to keep developing your business and skills. You can also access our communities area, a dedicated area where you can chat and communicate, share ideas and journeys with other participants also creating their online business.

Exclusive Features for NDIS Participants

Online Course Creators:

Easily create and sell online courses to share your expertise and generate additional revenue streams.

Social Media Schedulers:

Schedule and automate your social media posts to save time and stay consistent with your online presence.

Blog Creators:

Publish engaging blog posts to attract and educate your audience, positioning yourself as an industry expert.

Invoicing Portal:

Streamline your invoicing process with our easy-to-use invoicing portal, helping you get paid faster and more efficiently.

Missed Call Text Back Feature:

Never miss a potential customer again with our missed call text back feature. Our service will automatically text back inquiries and engage in a conversation with your clients, booking them into your service or sending them links to purchase.

On-line Shop

We can create a very robust and beautiful online store for you! No need for extra subscriptions to shopify or wordpress. Our system has this internally created for you, with shopping carts, coupon codes and more.

A.I. Software

Not great at copywriting, no problem just tell our A.I. what you want to say and it will write your landing page copy, emails and more.

Don't want to be on video no problem with A.I. you can write the script (or have A.I. do it) and we can create video trainings like these for your project.

What is Phoenix and what do you do??

We are a dedicated service provider committed to empowering individuals within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to unleash their entrepreneurial spirit and start their own micro-businesses.

At Phoenix, we understand the importance of independence and self-determination, which is why we offer personalised consultations, professional business setup, ongoing support, and a dedicated business directory to connect our clients with potential customers and supporters.

Our mission is simple yet profound: to help NDIS participants turn their skills, passions, and ideas into successful ventures, all while gaining greater independence, financial freedom, and a sense of accomplishment.

Whether you dream of crafting handmade products, providing specialised services, or sharing your expertise with the world, Phoenix is here to guide you every step of the way. With our team of experienced support coordinators, tech and design experts, and marketing professionals, we provide comprehensive support tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. From brainstorming innovative business ideas to creating a professional online presence and beyond, we're dedicated to helping you achieve your entrepreneurial goals and build a brighter future.

Who is eligible to participate in your program?

At Phoenix, we believe that entrepreneurship should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or abilities.

Our program is specifically designed to support individuals within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) who are eager to explore the world of entrepreneurship and start their own micro-businesses.

Eligibility for our program is open to any NDIS participant who has the desire and determination to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. Whether you have a specific business idea in mind or are simply curious about the possibilities, we welcome individuals of all skill levels and interests to join us on this journey.

Our dedicated support coordinators are here to work closely with you, providing personalised guidance, resources, and encouragement every step of the way.

We believe in the power of entrepreneurship to transform lives, and we're committed to helping you unlock your full potential and achieve your business goals.If you're ready to take the first step towards entrepreneurship and embark on an exciting new adventure, we invite you to reach out to us today. Let's explore the possibilities together and turn your dreams into reality with Phoenix

How does the consultation process work?

At Phoenix, we understand that every individual is unique, and we tailor our consultation process to meet your specific needs and aspirations.

Our goal is to provide you with personalised guidance and support as you embark on your entrepreneurial journey.

The consultation process typically begins with an initial meeting between you and one of our dedicated support coordinators. During this meeting, we'll take the time to get to know you, understand your interests, skills, and goals, and discuss your vision for starting a micro-business. We'll work closely with you to identify your strengths and areas of interest, explore potential business ideas, and develop a clear plan of action to turn your dreams into reality.

Whether you have a specific business concept in mind or are looking for inspiration, our experienced team is here to help you every step of the way.

Throughout the consultation process, we'll provide guidance on various aspects of business development, including market research, product or service development, branding, marketing, and more. We'll also address any questions or concerns you may have and offer valuable resources and support to help you succeed.

Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to launch and grow a successful micro-business. By working together, we can create a personalised roadmap for your entrepreneurial journey and support you in achieving your business goals.

What types of businesses can I start with your support?

At Phoenix, we believe that entrepreneurship should be as diverse and varied as the individuals pursuing it.

Our goal is to provide you with the support and resources you need to explore your interests, unleash your creativity, and start a business that aligns with your passions and goals.With our support, you can start virtually any type of micro-business that suits your skills, interests, and aspirations.

Here are just a few examples of the types of businesses you can start with our support:

Handcrafted Products: Whether you're skilled in woodworking, pottery, jewelry making, or another craft, you can start a business selling your handmade creations online or at local markets.

Service-Based Businesses: If you have expertise in a particular area such as tutoring, personal training, pet sitting, or event planning, you can start a service-based business providing your services to clients in your community.

Online Retail: With the rise of e-commerce, there are endless opportunities to start an online retail business selling products in niche markets such as eco-friendly products, specialty foods, or unique gifts.

Consulting or Coaching: If you have knowledge or expertise in a specific field such as business, marketing, health, or personal development, you can start a consulting or coaching business offering your services to individuals or businesses seeking guidance and support.

Creative Services: If you have skills in graphic design, photography, writing, or other creative fields, you can start a business offering your services to clients for projects such as branding, content creation, or marketing materials.

These are just a few examples, and the possibilities are truly endless.

Whatever your interests, skills, or passions may be, we're here to help you turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

Our experienced support coordinators will work closely with you to explore your options, develop a business plan, and provide the guidance and resources you need to launch and grow your business with confidence.

If you're ready to take the first step towards entrepreneurship and start your own micro-business, we invite you to reach out to us today. Let's work together to bring your vision to life and build a brighter future with Phoenix!

Do I need any prior business experience to participate?

No prior business experience? No problem!

At Phoenix, we believe that entrepreneurship should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or experience.

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or embarking on your very first business venture, our program is designed to support individuals at all levels of experience and expertise.

Our dedicated support coordinators are here to guide you every step of the way, providing personalised assistance, resources, and encouragement tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Whether you have a specific business idea in mind or are simply exploring the possibilities, we're here to help you turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

With our support, you'll gain access to valuable insights, tools, and resources to help you navigate the challenges of starting and growing a business.

From developing a business plan to setting up your online presence and beyond, we'll be there to provide the guidance and support you need to succeed. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or embarking on your very first business venture, our program is designed to support individuals at all levels of experience and expertise.

Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to launch and grow a successful micro-business, regardless of your prior experience.

So if you're ready to take the first step towards entrepreneurship, we invite you to reach out to us today. Let's explore the possibilities together and turn your dreams into reality with Phoenix

How long does it take to set up a business with your support?

At Phoenix, we understand that starting a business is an exciting but complex process, and the timeline for setup can vary depending on several factors, including the nature of the business, your level of preparation, and external factors such as regulatory requirements.

Our goal is to provide you with the support and resources you need to launch your business successfully while also ensuring that the process is efficient and streamlined.

While the exact timeline may vary from one individual to another, we strive to make the process as smooth and straightforward as possible.

Typically, the setup process begins with an initial consultation to discuss your business ideas and goals. From there, we'll work closely with you to develop a customised plan of action, including steps such as business registration, creating a business plan, designing a website, developing marketing materials, and more.

The duration of the setup process can vary depending on the complexity of your business and the extent of support and assistance you require. In some cases, it may take a couple of months to complete the setup process, while in others, it may take longer.

Throughout the process, our experienced team will be there to guide you, answer your questions, and provide support every step of the way.

Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and resources you need to launch your business with confidence and success.If you're ready to take the first step towards entrepreneurship and start your own micro-business, we invite you to reach out to us today. Let's work together to bring your vision to life and build a brighter future with Phoenix!

What ongoing support do you provide after the business is set up?

At Phoenix, our commitment to your success doesn't end once your business is set up.

We believe in providing ongoing support and guidance to help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and achieve your business goals.

After your business is set up, you can expect to receive continued support from our experienced team of support coordinators and business experts. Our ongoing support services include:

Regular Check-Ins: We'll schedule regular check-in meetings to discuss your progress, address any challenges or concerns you may have, and provide guidance and encouragement to keep you on track towards your goals.

Business Coaching: Our support coordinators will provide personalised business coaching and mentoring to help you refine your business strategy, identify growth opportunities, and overcome any obstacles you may encounter along the way.

Resource Sharing: We'll share valuable resources, tools, and best practices to help you optimise your business operations, improve your marketing efforts, and maximise your potential for success.

Networking Opportunities: We'll facilitate networking opportunities to connect you with other entrepreneurs, industry professionals, and potential collaborators who can support you and help you grow your business.

Marketing Assistance: We'll provide ongoing assistance with marketing your business, including strategies for promoting your products or services, expanding your customer base, and increasing your online visibility.

Continued Learning: We'll offer access to workshops, webinars, and educational resources to help you further develop your skills, stay informed about industry trends, and continue learning and growing as an entrepreneur.

Our goal is to be your trusted partner and ally in your entrepreneurial journey, providing the support, guidance, and resources you need to thrive in business.

Whether you're facing challenges or celebrating successes, we'll be there every step of the way to help you achieve your goals and build a brighter future with Phoenix!If you're ready to take your business to the next level and access ongoing support from our experienced team, we invite you to reach out to us today. Let's continue the journey together and make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality with Phoenix

How much does your program cost?

This program, support, building of your business, and continued ongoing support is covered by your NDIS scheme.

Hourly rate set & paid by the NDIS for the front end consultations & support for specialised employment assistance. This includes the specialised technical knowledge support staff require to build out your business assets in a professional & timely manner.

We anticipate for most people 4 hours a week 2 hours one on one with yourself, and 2 hours back end support & design staff building your business assets.

Done For You. If you are requiring the 'Done For You' option our support worker will discuss elements of how you want your business to look operate, feel etc and our team will build the assets, this will be the $193.99per hour and our back end specialised team will charge out two hours a week building your business $193.99per hour.

Our support staff will also help you monitor orders, emails & other business communication as it comes into your CRM, essentially working side by side with you in your business.

Done With You. If you are more technically minded and would love the opportunity to not only build your business, but also learn skills like building websites, creating automation, forms, surveys, online courses and more then one of our specialised coaches with full tech knowledge will be assigned to help you this will be billed out at $193.99 per hour for 2 hours a week and at the back end our team will also build out the system for 2 hours a week at $193.99 per hour You will gain a full working knowledge of our software and this can also open up other opportunities for you in the online space.

Ongoing $150pm for hosting of business and tech support in your GEM software account, is covered under 'subscription services' We will also aim to build your business income so that your business can cover this for itself. Included in this subscription is the direct access to all our team in your own private Discord chat so if you have any questions you can reach us at anytime.

Weekly Check-In: Once your business is set up and launched, if you would like your Entrepreneurial Support to check in weekly to just touch base and help you with anything you need. You can arrange this service ongoing. Things that we can help you with once you are up and running, are your emails, responding to clients, adding images or new pages to your website, adding new products to your website, adding new content to your course or membership, support with your marketing, helping you with your social media and ads. Consider this you own private support staff helping your run your business.

We are making this offer very accessible to NDIS clients, usually our hour rate is $350 and this total package $15,000. However our aim is to see as many NDIS participants get their own thriving online or micro business up and running and create and incredible income for themselves.

How can I access the business directory you mentioned?

You can access this business directory here at https://phoenixentrepreneurs.com.au/directory or click on 'Directory' in the navigation bar. Your business will have its own hosted page as well as appearing in the directory. This business directory will be promoted via social media ads and media engagements, so people wanting to support your business will know where to go.

What makes Phoenix different from other support services?

At Phoenix, we understand that there are many support services available to individuals within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), but we believe that our approach sets us apart in several key ways.

Personalised Approach: Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, we take a personalised approach to each individual we support. We recognize that every person is unique, with their own set of skills, interests, and aspirations. That's why we tailor our services to meet your specific needs and goals, providing personalised consultations, guidance, and support every step of the way.

Comprehensive Services: Our program offers a comprehensive range of services to support you at every stage of your entrepreneurial journey. From initial consultations to business setup, ongoing support, and marketing assistance, we provide all the tools and resources you need to succeed in business.

Experienced Team: Our team consists of experienced support coordinators, business experts, and professionals with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in entrepreneurship. We're passionate about helping you achieve your goals, and we'll leverage our collective experience to provide you with the guidance and support you need to thrive.

Business Directory: In addition to our core services, we also offer a dedicated business directory to connect you with potential customers and supporters. This unique feature sets us apart from other support services and provides you with valuable exposure and networking opportunities for your business.

Commitment to Inclusivity: At Phoenix, we're committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone has the opportunity to succeed. We believe that entrepreneurship should be accessible to all, regardless of background, abilities, or experience, and we're dedicated to breaking down barriers and empowering individuals to achieve their dreams.

Long-Term Support: Our support doesn't end once your business is set up. We provide ongoing support and guidance to help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and continue to grow and succeed in business. Whether you're facing challenges or celebrating successes, we'll be there every step of the way to support you on your journey. You can choose to check in with our 'entrepreneur support' weekly or monthly, whatever you need to stay on track and build your business.

Overall, what sets Phoenix apart is our commitment to your success, our personalised approach, and our comprehensive range of services designed to empower you to achieve your entrepreneurial dreams. If you're ready to take the first step towards entrepreneurship and start your own micro-business, we invite you to reach out to us today. Let's explore the possibilities together and turn your dreams into reality with Phoenix

Can I combine my NDIS funding with your services?

Yes we are a fully registered NDIS provider.

This program, support, building of your business, and continued ongoing support is covered by your NDIS scheme.

Hourly rate set & paid by the NDIS for the front end consultations & support for specialised employment assistance. This includes the specialised technical knowledge support staff require to build out your business assets in a professional & timely manner.

We anticipate for most people 4 hours a week 2 hours one on one with yourself, and 2 hours back end support & design staff building your business assets.

Done For You. If you are requiring the 'Done For You' option our support worker will discuss elements of how you want your business to look operate, feel etc and our team will build the assets, this will be the $193.99 per hour and our back end specialised team will charge out two hours a week building your business $193.99per hour. Our support staff will also help you monitor orders, emails & other business communication as it comes into your CRM, essentially working side by side with you in your business.

Done With You. If you are more technically minded and would love the opportunity to not only build your business, but also learn skills like building websites, creating automation, forms, surveys, online courses and more then one of our specialised coaches with full tech knowledge will be assigned to help you this will be billed out at @ $193.99 for 2 hours a week and at the back end our team will also build out the system for 2 hours a week at @ $193.99 You will gain a full working knowledge of our software and this can also open up other opportunities for you in the online space.

Ongoing subscription $150pm for hosting of business and tech support in your GEM software account, is covered under 'subscription services' We will also aim to build your business income so that your business can cover this for itself. Included in this subscription is the direct access to all our team in your own private Discord chat so if you have any questions you can reach us at anytime.

Weekly Check-In: Once your business is set up and launched, if you would like your Entrepreneurial Support to check in weekly to just touch base and help you with anything you need. You can arrange this service ongoing. Things that we can help you with once you are up and running, are your emails, responding to clients, adding images or new pages to your website, adding new products to your website, adding new content to your course or membership, support with your marketing, helping you with your social media and ads. Consider this you own private support staff helping your run your business.

We are making this offer very accessible to NDIS clients, usually our hour rate is $350 and this total package $15,000. However our aim is to see as many NDIS participants get their own thriving online or micro business up and running and create and incredible income for themselves.

Is Phoenix available nationwide?

Yes, Phoenix is proud to offer our services nationwide, providing support to individuals within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) across the country.

Whether you're located in a major city, regional area, or remote location, you can access our services and support to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams. We understand the importance of accessibility and inclusivity, which is why we're committed to serving individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their geographic location.

No matter where you are in Australia, you can count on Phoenix to provide you with the guidance, resources, and support you need to start and grow your own micro-business.

Our team is equipped to work with individuals nationwide, leveraging digital communication tools and remote support services to ensure that you receive the same high level of service, regardless of your location.

Whether you prefer virtual consultations, phone calls, or email correspondence, we're here to accommodate your needs and support you every step of the way.

If you're ready to take the first step towards entrepreneurship and start your own micro-business, we invite you to reach out to us today.If you require physical assistance we can co-ordinate with your support worker to help them understand what you need while creating your business.Wherever you are in Australia, let's explore the possibilities together and turn your dreams into reality with Phoenix

Do you offer any resources or workshops for business development?

Yes, absolutely!

At Phoenix, we're committed to providing comprehensive support for your entrepreneurial journey. We offer a variety of resources and workshops specifically designed to help you develop and grow your business. These resources may include:

Online Resources: We provide access to a wide range of online resources, including articles, guides, templates, and videos, covering topics such as business planning, market research, branding, and social media marketing. These resources are available 24/7 for your convenience and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

Networking Opportunities: We facilitate networking events and opportunities to connect with other entrepreneurs, industry experts, and potential collaborators. Networking is a valuable way to exchange ideas, share experiences, and build relationships that can support your business growth.

One-on-One Support: In addition to group workshops and resources, we offer one-on-one support from experienced business advisors and mentors. These personalised consultations provide tailored guidance and advice to address your specific needs and challenges.

Specialised Training Programs: We may offer specialised training programs focused on specific topics or industries to help you acquire new skills and knowledge relevant to your business. These programs may include intensive workshops, courses, or seminars delivered by industry experts.

Shared Working Space: Our future plans also include a series of 'shared working space environments for our participants to enjoy! Dog friendly with up to the minute technology, meeting rooms, private spaces and cafe. These will be incredible places for our participants to gather for a few hours, get some work done on their business, network with others & get direct guidance from our team.

Overall, our goal is to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and resources you need to succeed in business. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, we're here to support you every step of the way.If you're interested in accessing our resources or workshops for business development, we encourage you to reach out to us today.

Let's work together to empower you to achieve your entrepreneurial goals with Phoenix!

How can I get started with Phoenix?

Getting started with Phoenix is easy! Simply book your free consultation with us to begin your entrepreneurial journey.

During this consultation, we'll discuss your interests, aspirations, and goals, and explore how we can support you in starting and growing your own micro-business.

To book your free consultation, follow these simple steps:

Visit our "Book a Consultation" page.

Select a time on the calendar to chat to us.

Click "Submit" to send your consultation request to our team.

Once we receive your request, one of our dedicated support coordinators will reach out to you to confirm your consultation appointment and provide you with further details.

During your consultation, we'll take the time to understand your unique needs and aspirations and discuss how our program can help you achieve your entrepreneurial goals.

Whether you have a specific business idea in mind or are simply exploring the possibilities, we're here to provide you with personalised guidance, resources, and support every step of the way.

So don't wait any longer – book your free consultation today and take the first step towards turning your entrepreneurial dreams into reality!

We look forward to helping you succeed in business!

Is there a physical space I can go and work in?

Our future plans include a variety of 'Shared Working Spaces' available to our members.

A place where you can enjoy cool surroundings, private booths, sound proof spaces, meeting rooms, funky furnishings, up to the minute technology, dog friendly, with cafe and relaxation rooms all totally accessible and suitable for our NDIS entrepreneurs.

We will be looking to build and create these in a variety of states and towns so they are easily accessible for all entrepreneurs.

FAQ image

Our Team

Meet Our Professional Team

Debbie Mewes

CEO & Entrepreneur Support

Michaela Bozicevic

Entrepreneur Support

Grant Mewes

Entrepreneur Support

Amanda Jensen

Entrepreneur Support

Get In Touch

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where we work and live.

We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.

We celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.

Disclaimer for Coaching Process

Our business coaching process is designed to provide structured guidance and support to help you achieve your entrepreneurial goals. We understand that each individual has unique needs and experiences, especially when living with disabilities such as PTSD or Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD).

Important Notice:

Nature of Coaching: Our coaching sessions will involve providing specific instructions and tasks that are essential for your business development.

Potential Triggers: We recognise that being told what to do can be challenging or triggering for some individuals. If you have any conditions, such as PTSD or ODD, that make it difficult to receive direct instructions, please inform us in advance. This information will help us tailor our approach to better suit your needs.

Communication and Support: We are committed to creating a supportive and understanding environment. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or triggered during a session, please communicate this to your coach. We will work together to find a more suitable approach for your comfort and progress.

Mutual Understanding: Our goal is to help you succeed in your business endeavours while respecting your personal boundaries and mental health. Open and honest communication is key to ensuring a productive and positive coaching experience.

Financial Responsibility: Phoenix Entrepreneurs are not financial managers of your business and are not responsible for your financial decisions. Our role is to provide guidance and support, but all financial decisions and actions are ultimately your responsibility. It is important to consult with a qualified financial advisor for specific financial advice.

By participating in our coaching program, you acknowledge and accept the nature of our process and agree to communicate any concerns or triggers you may have.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.