
Ways Our Support Is Provided

Our program offers a comprehensive training and mentoring experience, complete with additional course elements, back-end support, and front-end coaching.

Our dedicated coaches conduct various assessments throughout the program to monitor participant progress and tailor the technology and services to meet individual needs and learning styles.

The program's goal is to enable participants to engage meaningfully with the community by developing a business that aligns with their passions and skills. This empowers them to contribute to and feel valued within the community. Additionally, our assistive technology helps participants become self-sufficient in running and maintaining their businesses, providing supplementary income for themselves and their families.

Our Codes Are.......

  • 0102- Assistance to maintain employment or higher education

  • 0106- Assistance in Coordinating or Managing life stages

  • 0116 - Innovative Community participation

  • 0113 - Specialised supported employment

  • 0128 - Therapeutic Support

  • 0128- Employment Related Assessment & Counselling

  • 0117 - Skills Development & Training

  • 0125 - participation in community and social activities

  • 0124 - communication and information equipment

Depending on your plan or your clients plan

We can package the 'Phoenix Entrepreneur' program to suit, what you have available

Our general program consists of 2 hours per week front end coaching @ $193.99

2 hours per week back end support and asset building @ $77

subscription to the hosting software @ $50pw - $197pm

$591.98 per week

or $320.99 per week 1 hour coaching


This support item is designed to enable providers to offer new and innovative services to participant and is for mainstream providers who want to enable participants to access mainstream activities.

*If you require additional back end work beyond the package allocation, this is charged out at $77ph

School leaver employment supports

0102 - School Leaver Employment Supports (transitional) - 10_021_0102_5_3

We can package the 'Phoenix Entrepreneur' program

0102 - Transition through School and to Further Education - 13_030_0102_4_3

There are three components to our 'Phoenix Entrepreneur' service

#1 - The front end coaching

#2 - The back end customisation to suit individual needs

#3 - The assistive tech we create your program in

We can bill as a total program package via Innovative Community Participation (see above)


We can bill individual sections as needed (see below)

we can do any combination of these three columns

Front End Coaching

  • Employment Related Assessment & Counselling - 10-11-0128-5-3

  • Therapeutic Support Other 15-056-0128-1-3

  • Therapeutic Support Other 01-741-0128-1-3

  • Innovative Community Participation 09-008-0116-6-3

  • 0102 - School Leaver Employment Supports (transitional) - 10_021_0102_5_3


  • Specialised supported employment - 10_11_0128_5_3

  • Innovative community participation - 09-008-0116-6-3

  • Development of daily living skills 09-009-0117-6-3

  • Skill Development and Training including Public Transport Training 15_037_0117_1_3

  • Delivery of supports to assist a participant engage in community, social and/or recreational activities. 04_104_0125_6_1

  • Supports in Employment - (all variations) 04_806_0133_5_1

  • Programming/Customisation - Electronic Equipment 05-702288440_0124_1_2

  • 0102 - School Leaver Employment Supports (transitional) - 10_021_0102_5_3

Assistive Tech

  • Low-Cost AT - Communication or Cognitive Support 03_222100911-0124-1-1

  • Flexible Equipment Package - for Changing Needs 05_801288834_0103_1_2

  • Communication and Information AT - computer/device interfaces 05_221_30011_0103_1_2

  • Programming/Customisation - Electronic Equipment 05-702288440_0124_1_2

  • Innovative community participation - 09-008-0116-6-3

Where Our Codes Are Allocated

Capacity Building

10 - Finding and keeping a job

09- Increased Social & community participation

15 - Improved daily living skills

13 - Improved Learning

0128- Employment Related Assessment & Counselling - 10-11-0128-5-3 - $193.99

This support is designed to provide employment related assessment, counselling and advice to assist participants successfully engage in work.

These assessments can be useful for participants who have limited work experience to assist in identifying their unique barriers to employment and to inform a work goal and development plan. The support may also be used to assist with adjustments to work processes or workplaces that enable a participant to be productive and work safely.

0113 - Specialised supported employment 10-806-1033-5-1. - $67.56

Some participants will require support on the job after commencing employment. Introducing the support worker who will continue support in the workplace will increase the likelihood of the participant maintaining their employment.

0116 - Innovative community participation - 09-008-0116-6-3 - (package)

This support item is designed to enable providers to offer new and innovative services to participant and is for mainstream providers who want to enable participants to access mainstream activities.

0102 - School Leaver Employment Supports (transitional) - 10_021_0102_5_3 - (package)

Build essential skills for independence and work.
Develop work skills in employment settings

Customise a job, assist the participant to learn their role and establish connections in the workplace.

0102 - Transition through School and to Further Education - 13_030_0102_4_3 - $77

The provision of skills training, advice, assistance with arrangements and orientation to assist a person with disability moving from school to further education.

0128 - Therapeutic Support Other 15-056-0128-1-3. - $193.99

Therapy must be aimed at adjustment, adaption, and building capacity for community participation.
The primary purpose is to provide ongoing support for a participant to maintain a level of functioning including long term therapy/support required to achieve small incremental gains or to prevent functional decline. In general, maintenance therapy that is reasonable and necessary should be delivered by carers who are or can be trained in this if required.

0117 - Skill Development and Training including Public Transport Training 15_037_0117_1_3. - $67.56

Individual training provided in the home or in the community for general life skills to increase independence.

0117 - Life transition planning including-mentoring, peer support & individual skill support 09_006_0106_6_3. - $77

The supports in this support category allow participants to take part in skills-based learning to develop independence in accessing the community.

0117 - Skills Development & training 09-009-0117-6-3. - $77

This support item provides individual life skills development and training including public transport training and support, developing skills for community, social and recreational participation.

Core Funding

01 - Assistance with daily life

04 - Assistance with social economic and community participation

0128 - Assessment recommendation therapy or training supports - Other professional 01-741-0128-1-3

Therapy must be aimed at adjustment, adaption, and building capacity for community participation.

0125 - Delivery of supports to assist a participant engage in community, social and/or recreational activities. 04_104_0125_6_1

This support category relates to assisting with or supervising a participant to engage in community, social, recreational or economic activities.

0125 - Access community, social and/or recreational activities. (all variations) 04_104_0125_6_1. - $67-$150.10

This support category relates to assisting with or supervising a participant to engage in community, social, recreational or economic activities.

0133 - Supports in Employment - (all variations) 04_806_0133_5_1 - $67.56 - $150.10

These supports can be used in a range of employment settings including: private, government or not for profit organisations; a social enterprise or similar environment; self-employment or a micro-business; or a family run business.

Assistive Technology

03 - Consumables

05 - Assistive Technology

0124 - Low-Cost AT - Communication or Cognitive Support 03_222100911-0124-1-1

This option is available for individuals who wish to access our software without the additional courses included for $97 per month.

0103 - Flexible Equipment Package - for Changing Needs 05_801288834_0103_1_2

0103 - Communication and Information AT - computer/device interfaces 05_221_30011_0103_1_2

0124 - Programming/Customisation - Electronic Equipment 05-702288440_0124_1_2

If you do not have the appropriate funding to achieve your goals of building and running your own business. We can help with the report writing for a review. Just email Michaela click the button below

Our Team

Meet Our Professional Team

Debbie Mewes

CEO & Entrepreneur Support

Michaela Bozicevic

Entrepreneur Support

Grant Mewes

Entrepreneur Support

Amanda Jensen

Entrepreneur Support

Get In Touch

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where we work and live.

We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.

We celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.

Disclaimer for Coaching Process

Our business coaching process is designed to provide structured guidance and support to help you achieve your entrepreneurial goals. We understand that each individual has unique needs and experiences, especially when living with disabilities such as PTSD or Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD).

Important Notice:

Nature of Coaching: Our coaching sessions will involve providing specific instructions and tasks that are essential for your business development.

Potential Triggers: We recognise that being told what to do can be challenging or triggering for some individuals. If you have any conditions, such as PTSD or ODD, that make it difficult to receive direct instructions, please inform us in advance. This information will help us tailor our approach to better suit your needs.

Communication and Support: We are committed to creating a supportive and understanding environment. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or triggered during a session, please communicate this to your coach. We will work together to find a more suitable approach for your comfort and progress.

Mutual Understanding: Our goal is to help you succeed in your business endeavours while respecting your personal boundaries and mental health. Open and honest communication is key to ensuring a productive and positive coaching experience.

Financial Responsibility: Phoenix Entrepreneurs are not financial managers of your business and are not responsible for your financial decisions. Our role is to provide guidance and support, but all financial decisions and actions are ultimately your responsibility. It is important to consult with a qualified financial advisor for specific financial advice.

By participating in our coaching program, you acknowledge and accept the nature of our process and agree to communicate any concerns or triggers you may have.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.