...who want to manifest more time to focus on their business and automate their sales, marketing, and messaging.
Set up a membership portal, automated booking system & review system for clients.
...who would like to let go of a whole lot of marketing, sales and nurturing efforts.
Automate bookings & become more visible in search results.
Gather great reviews that automatically show up on your website or funnel.
...who understand that having time to enjoy life apart from business is the true spirit of entrepreneurship.
Who want a fully created business system to reach global markets and duplicate easily for their members.
Eliminate the need to chase friends and family.
...who want to keep track of all messages with an all in one communication medium.
Create their courses and share their gifts with the world.
Easily book in clients & automated that process.
...who want the flexibility that can be achieved by delegating tasks to GEM.
Automated reminder sequences booking calendars and appointment setting.
...could use a personal assistant software that collects payments, tracks client progress, and send reminders emails, and SMS.
Who are looking for an automated fulfilment system, follow up, & automated reviews gathering & placing on your funnel and websites
Also the ability to keep a full CRM with automated tagging, notes and task assignment..
...who want to let go of lead generation, closing and nurturing efforts without affecting their business
Your stay must be at least 160 Kms from your home.
There is no requirement to attend any presentations
There will be a small nominal booking fee
Peak holiday times may not be available
As an entrepreneur weekday bookings are your friend!
If you need to book a Friday or Saturday night there may be a nominal fee from the Hotel
Use this opportunity as a perfect photo opp for your socials, organise hair, makeup and a photographer and take enough photos to keep you going for the year.
Or just use it as a much needed family get away!
Twillio* is an extra feature we set up for you to enable Texts from your account.
Everything in Gold & Platinum Plus...
One of our business concierge will set up your account and business for success
Author, International Psychic and Spiritual Medium.
Founder: Spiritpreneurs | Global Entrepreneurs Movement
Debbie is the CEO of GEM Software & a Spiritual Coaching leader.
She has over 25 years of experience in the spiritual field as an internationally acclaimed medium, author, course & retreat facilitator.
Debbie has successfully managed to blend the business & spiritual worlds of conscious entrepreneurs with GEM software.
Debbie is of the strong belief that the material activities of sales and marketing tasks should happen with minimal stress and with ease & support so spiritual coaches can focus on helping the clients and bringing them relief.
Debbie wants to help you to stop losing your inner peace, while trying to help your clients get theirs. We help with the real struggle of stringing multiple tech together by providing a unique all-in-one solution.
Global Entrepreneurship Movement GEM software is a result of over 5 years of Debbie’s efforts to accomplish customised and automated sales, marketing, and customer support tool.
It's an end-all be-all CRM created by a spiritual coach for her fellow spiritual sheroes.